Atherington is a small rural community with a population of only around 250 and since just before the millennium we have been trying to restore our lovely peal of six bells. So far, over £20,000 has been raised from parishioners and friends for the restoration of the bells and a new bell-frame but the tower needs substantial work before the bells can be re-hung. The restored bells and the new bell-frame are back and ready to go into the tower when the necessary work to repair and strengthen it has been completed.
The church in Atherington is a significant ancient building and a peal of bells is a part of country living to be cherished and preserved. Bell-ringing itself is an activity that is accessible to all ages and types of people, providing a focus for many individuals and exercise for both mind and body. Bell-ringers around the country share a strong sense of community amongst themselves and are always welcome in each others’ towers! This is a part of our heritage that we should really be making every effort to preserve.
The community has pulled out all the stops to get to this point and now we need to ask for your help. The original target of £75,000 (based on estimates from the architect, Jonathan Rhind) seemed almost impossible for this small community but so far £6,000 has been raised in donations from charities. This is in addition to the £20,000 already spent on the bells.
An anonymous donor has now promised up to £40,000 as match funding or as a loan. This very generous offer is a massive incentive for the community to push hard to complete the Appeal. It is hoped to put the work out to tender later this year. Every year the work is delayed means an increase in the cost and this in itself could jeopardise the project.
Main project since 2000
Phase 1: Removal of 5 of the 6 bells (the 6th was too big to get through the trap!) together with the bellframe, by bellhangers Taylor, Eayre and Smith, transported to their workshops, renovated and returned. The bells are now in the church and the new frame is in a local farmer’s barn.
Phase 2: Continuous fundraising towards repairing and strengthening the church tower and rehanging the bells. Total costs for this phase are estimated at £96,000, of which we have so far raised £35,000.
Update, November 2009
We have just had the first open day for the builders/architect to show us how things are progressing. The work is going well and Carrek’s, our builders, are hoping that they will finish, as planned, by the end of November. Taylors arrived on 23 November to fit the new frame ready for rehanging the bells. This will take a couple of weeks and then the tower needs to have 5/6 months ‘solidification’ before the bells are rung again. On the fundraising front we have been very encouraged by all the support from fellow bellringers across Devon; so far 30 towers have sent donations (over £1,500 total). There is only another £17,500 to go and we are currently trying, with help from the PCC, to ask folks to become Friends (annual membership £5, life membership £50).
Update, October 2009
The tower strengthening work, by builders Carrek’s, is well under way (started 10 August) and we will all have an opportunity to see their progress at an open day on Thursday 8 October; the tower will be open between 4.00 and 6.00 p.m. Taylor, Eayre and Smith will be coming in November to fit the new bellframe and this whole phase 2 is due to be completed by 23 November. Then the tower has to ‘settle’ for a few months before Taylor, Eayre and Smith return, probably around late April/early May, to rehang the bells.
We have been so encouraged to receive over £1,300 so far from many fellow bell teams across Exeter diocese. In July we wrote to all the towers with ringable peals in the diocese – just under 400 – and many have already sent us their gifts and good wishes. There is only another £18,500 to raise! Our current bank balances are just over £40,000 and we have just made the first payment to Carrek’s.
Would you consider joining our ‘Friends’ if you aren’t already a member? The annual subscription is £5 and you can become a life member for £50. If you pay tax and register for Gift Aid we can reclaim 22p in the pound of each gift from the Inland Revenue.